Wizards of Oz

"Life is fraughtless ... when you're thoughtless."


Space and Cake

All the banter about the U.S. Navy shoot-down of a failed spy satellite distracted me from the lunar eclipse last night. Thankfully the local Fox news affiliate made mention of it at the top of the 10 o'clock (EST) hour -- plenty of time for me to set up the 5" Maksutov-Cassegrain and snap this photo through the clouds. The moon (well above the horizon) looked like a dreary, rising harvest moon -- even the big crater Tycho was hard to discriminate.

As for tonight, Eldest of Oz decided she wanted to bake her own birthday cake (with assistance from Man-Cub) for tomorrow's party:

Big changes ahead in Oz -- I hope to post more by early next week.

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At 23/2/08 07:51 , Blogger Sean said...

kids lookin' good.

big changes, indeed! :-)


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